Levels of Suffering...
Below are our articles on the subject of Levels of Suffering. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Animal Suffering Categories: Mild
Animal testing involves the determination of an animal's level of suffering, which may be classified as mild for the lower end of the scale....
Animal Suffering Categories: Moderate
Just over half of all animal tests in the UK are classified as moderate for the level of suffering anticipated in the animals. Various controversies exist over this…...
Animal Suffering Categories: Substantial
Projects classified as substantial involve a significant level of animal suffering and distress. Controversy exists regarding accurate determination of this animal…...
Animal Suffering Categories: Unclassified
The unclassified level of animal testing involves no pain or suffering because the animal receives anaesthetic, never gains consciousness and is killed....
Assessing Animal Suffering
Animal suffering is assessed according to a scale of mild, moderate, substantial or unclassified....